
Returns the value at a key of a KeyedContainer, if this key is present

namespace HH;

function idx<Tk as arraykey, Tv>(
  ?KeyedContainer<Tk, Tv> $collection,
  ?Tk $index,
  mixed $default = NULL,

This function simplifies the common pattern of checking for a key in a KeyedContainer and using a default value if the key is not present. You should NOT use idx as a replacement for accessing elements of KeyedContainers, since this makes the code harder to reason about.

idx is used to try and index into a KeyedContainer, and return either the value found at this key or some default. Writing this out the long way would look like this:

C\contains_key($keyedcontainer, 'key') ? $keyedcontainer['key'] : $default;

This is verbose, and duplicates the variable name and index name, which can lead to errors. With idx, you can simplify the expression:

idx($keyedcontainer, 'key', $default);

The value $default is optional, and defaults to null if unspecified.

The first argument is permitted to be null; if it is null, idx will always return $default.

The second argument is permitted to be null; if it is null, idx will always return $default.

Just as an aside, Hack has a null coalesce operator which interacts with with subscripting operations in an unusual way. The important difference between $dict['key'] ?? $default and idx($dict, 'key', $default) is that the ?? operator will also resolve the $default if the value held in $dict['key'] is null. idx, in contrast, will return the null stored at 'key' instead, since 'key' is present.

If you notice yourself accessing deeply nested KeyedContainers like this:

// $dict['key1']['key2']['key3'], but it resolves to null when a key is missing.
idx($dict, 'key1', dict[]) |> idx($$, 'key2', dict[]) |> idx($$, 'key3');

it may be more natural to use ?? instead.

$dict['key1']['key2']['key3'] ?? null;

You should NOT use idx as a general replacement for accessing KeyedContainer indices. If you expect 'key' to always exist, do not use idx!

$dict['key'] = some_function();
// code...
$y = idx($dict, 'key');

This code is misleading, since the default value of idx (null) will never be used. This confuses the reader and leads to annoying nullchecks in the code using $y. Since we know that 'key' should / must be present, it is best to stick to indexing with the subscript operator like so.


This will throw an OutOfBoundsException if the 'key' is somehow not present. This is a good thing, since it will alert you that your mental model of the code is wrong, instead of continuing with null (or the default) silently.

idx is for default selection, not a blanket replacement for array access.

If you are tasked with fixing a bug that is caused by an OutOfBoundsException it is often tempting to use idx and set a default in place. This is hiding the underlying problem. Chances are that the programmer before you actually expected the key to always be present. Try to figure out why this might be the case. If this KeyedContainer is being used to access keys which are static in the source code, it might be helpful to change the code to use a shape() instead if possible. This will instruct the typechecker to validate that the keys are present.

The following behavior is deprecated and should not be relied upon. Because of backwards compatiblity, idx treats strings like arrays of characters. This is not allowed by the typechecker, since string is not a KeyedContainer. Indexing into a string can be done safely like so: $string[4] ?? null.


  • ?KeyedContainer<Tk,Tv> $collection
  • ?Tk $index
  • mixed $default = NULL - Default value to return if index is not found. By default, this is null.


  • mixed - Value at array index if it exists, or the default value if not.