
Returns an Awaitable of Vector after a filtering operation has been applied to each value in the provided KeyedTraversable

namespace HH\Asio;

function vf<Tk, T>(
  KeyedTraversable<Tk, T, mixed> $inputs,
  (function(T): Awaitable<bool>) $callable,
): Awaitable<Vector<T>>;

This function is similar to Vector::filter(), but the filtering of the values is done using Awaitables.

This function is called vf because we are returning a vector, and we are doing a filtering operation.

$callable must return an Awaitable of bool.

The values in the Vector of the returned Awaitable are not available until you await or join the returned Awaitable.




async function basic_usage_main(): Awaitable<void> {
  $times = ImmVector {
    100000000, // Sat, 03 Mar 1973 09:46:40
    200000000, // Mon, 03 May 1976 19:33:20
    300000000, // Thu, 05 Jul 1979 05:20:00
    400000000, // Sat, 04 Sep 1982 15:06:40
    500000000, // Tue, 05 Nov 1985 00:53:20
    600000000, // Thu, 05 Jan 1989 10:40:00
    700000000, // Sat, 07 Mar 1992 20:26:40
    800000000, // Tue, 09 May 1995 06:13:20
    900000000, // Thu, 09 Jul 1998 16:00:00
    1000000000, // Sun, 09 Sep 2001 01:46:40

  // Similar to $times->filter(...)
  // But awaits the awaitable result of the callback
  // rather than using it directly
  $saturdays =
    await \HH\Asio\vf($times, async ($time) ==> (\gmdate('w', $time) === '6'));

  foreach ($saturdays as $time) {
    echo \gmdate('r', $time), "\n";