Returns an Awaitable
of Map
after a mapping operation has been
applied to each key and value in the provided KeyedTraversable
namespace HH\Asio;
function mmk<Tk as arraykey, Tv, Tr>(
KeyedTraversable<Tk, Tv> $inputs,
(function(Tk, Tv): Awaitable<Tr>) $callable,
): Awaitable<Map<Tk, Tr>>;
This function is similar to mm()
, but passes element keys to the callable
as well.
This function is similar to Map::mapWithKey()
, but the mapping of the keys
and values is done using Awaitable
This function is called mmk
because we are returning a m
ap and doing a
a m
apping operation that includes k
must return an Awaitable
The keys and values in the Map
of the returned Awaitable
are not
available until you await
or join
the returned Awaitable
Tv> $inputs
- TheKeyedTraversable
of keys and values to map.(function(Tk, Tv): Awaitable<Tr>) $callable
- The callable containing theAwaitable
operation to apply to$inputs
- AnAwaitable
after the mapping operation has been applied to both the keys and values in$inputs
* Query an arbitrary number of URLs in parallel
* returning them as a Map of string responses.
async function get_urls(
\ConstMap<string, string> $urls,
): Awaitable<Map<string, string>> {
// Await on curl requests in parallel and
// prepend the request ID index
return await \HH\Asio\mmk(
async ($name, $url) ==> {
$content = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec($url);
return $name." => ".$content;
async function basic_usage_main(): Awaitable<void> {
$urls = ImmMap {
'com' => "http://example.com",
'net' => "http://example.net",
'org' => "http://example.org",
$pages = await get_urls($urls);
foreach ($pages as $page) {
echo \substr($page, 0, 22).' ... '.\substr($page, -8);
// Skip if we don't have an internet connection
if (!\get_headers("www.example.com")) {
print "skip";