
Removes the key/value pair with the specified key from the current Vector

public function removeKey(
  int $key,
): Vector<Tv>;

This will cause elements with higher keys to be assigned a new key that is one less than their previous key. That is, values with keys $k + 1 to n - 1 will be given new keys $k to n - 2, where n is the length of the current Vector before the call to removeKey().

If $k is negative, or $k is greater than the largest key in the current Vector, no changes are made.

Future changes made to the current Vector ARE reflected in the returned Vector, and vice-versa.


  • int $key



Since Vector::removeKey() returns a shallow copy of $v itself, you can chain a bunch of removeKey() calls together.

$v = Vector {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'};

// Remove 'blue' at index 2

// Remove 'red' and then remove 'green'