
Returns a Vector that is the concatenation of the values of the current Vector and the values of the provided Traversable

public function concat<Tu super Tv>(
  Traversable<Tu> $traversable,
): Vector<Tu>;

The returned Vector is created from the values of the current Vector, followed by the values of the provided Traversable.

The returned Vector is a new object; the current Vector is unchanged. Future changes to the current Vector will not affect the returned Vector, and future changes to the returned Vector will not affect the current Vector.




  • Vector<Tu> - A new Vector containing the values from $traversable concatenated to the values from the current Vector.


This example creates new Vectors by concatenating other Traversables. Unlike Vector::addAll() this method returns a new Vector (not a shallow copy).

$v = Vector {'red'};

// Add all the values in a Set
$v1 = $v->concat(Set {'green', 'blue'});

// Add all the values in an array
$v2 = $v1->concat(varray['yellow', 'purple']);

\var_dump($v); // $v contains 'red'
\var_dump($v1); // $v1 contains 'red', 'green', 'blue'
\var_dump($v2); // $v2 contains 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple'