
Throws an exception unless the current Set or the Traversable is empty

public function zip<Tu>(
  Traversable<Tu> $traversable,
): Set<HH\nothing>;

Since Sets only support integers or strings as values, we cannot have a Pair as a Set value. So in order to avoid an InvalidArgumentException, either the current Set or the Traversable must be empty so that we actually return an empty Set.




This example shows that zip won't thrown an Exception if at least one of the current Set or the $traversable is empty:

// The $traversable is empty so the result will be empty
$s = Set {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'};
$zipped = $s->zip(Vector {});

// The Set $s is empty so the result will be empty
$s = Set {};
$zipped = $s->zip(Vector {'My Favorite', 'My Second Favorite'});

This example shows that zip will throw an Exception if the result is non-empty:

$s = Set {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'};
$zipped = $s->zip(Vector {'My Favorite', 'My Second Favorite'});