
Create a pool of connections to access a MySQL client

public function __construct(
  darray<string, mixed> $pool_options,
): void;

You can pass this constructor an array of options to tweak the behavior of your pool. If you don't want an options, pass an empty array().

Here are the keys for that array, and all values are int, except for expiration_policy, which is a string:

  • per_key_connection_limit: The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool for a single combination of hostname, port, db and username. The default is 50.
  • pool_connection_limit: The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. The default is 5000. It is interesting to note that this is the option that is set when you call AsyncMysqlClient::setPoolsConnectionLimit().
  • idle_timeout_micros: The maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool before being destroyed. The default is 4 seconds.
  • age_timeout_micros: The maximum age, in microseconds, that a connection in the pool will be allowed to reach before being destroyed. The default is 60 seconds.
  • expiration_policy: A string of either 'IdleTime' or 'Age'" that specifies whether connections in the pool will be destroyed based on how long it sits idle or total age in the pool. The default is'Age'`.


  • darray<string, mixed> $pool_options - The array of options for the connection pool. The key to each array element is an option listed above, while the value is an int or string, depending on the option.


  • void


The following example shows you how to create an AsyncMysqlConnectionPool with various options, and then connect to MySQL asynchronously using those pool options. The various pool options that you can construct an AsyncMysqlConnectionPool with are:

  • connection_limit - Defines the limit of opened connections for each set of User, Database, Host, etc.
  • total_connection_limit - Defines the total limit of opened connection as a whole.
  • idle_timeout_micros - Sets the maximum idle time in microseconds a connection can be left in the pool without being killed by the pool.
  • age_timeout_micros - Sets the maximum age (means the time since started) of a connection, the pool will then kill this connection when reaches that limit.
  • expiration_policy - There are 2 policies for the expiration of a connection: IdleTime and Age, in the Idle policy a connection will only die after some time being idle; in Age policy we extend the idle one to kill also by age.

This example focuses on the connection_limit and idle_timeout_micros options.

use \Hack\UserDocumentation\API\Examples\AsyncMysql\ConnectionInfo as CI;

function set_connection_pool(
  darray<string, mixed> $options,
): \AsyncMysqlConnectionPool {
  return new \AsyncMysqlConnectionPool($options);

async function connect_with_pool(
  \AsyncMysqlConnectionPool $pool,
): Awaitable<\AsyncMysqlConnection> {
  return await $pool->connect(

function get_stats(\AsyncMysqlConnectionPool $pool): dict<string, int> {
  return dict($pool->getPoolStats());

async function run_it(): Awaitable<void> {
  $options = darray[
    'pool_connection_limit' => 2,
  // We will have a 2 pool connection limit
  $pool = set_connection_pool($options);
  $conn_awaitables = Vector {};
  try {
    // One of these three connections will throw the exception when we join
    // because we are going beyond our connection limit
    $conn_awaitables[] = connect_with_pool($pool);
    $conn_awaitables[] = connect_with_pool($pool);
    $conn_awaitables[] = connect_with_pool($pool);
    $conns = await \HH\Asio\v($conn_awaitables);
  } catch (\AsyncMysqlConnectException $ex) {
    $stats = get_stats($pool);
    echo "Allowed pool connections: ".
      "Requested pool connections: ".

  $options = darray[
    'idle_timeout_micros' => 2000000,
    'expiration_policy' => 'IdleTime',
  $pool = set_connection_pool($options);
  $conn = await connect_with_pool($pool);
  \sleep(10); // Idle for 5 seconds. So should timeout here.
  try {
    $result = await $conn->query("SELECT * FROM test_table");
  } catch (\AsyncMysqlQueryException $ex) {
    echo "Hit idle limit";
Allowed pool connections: 2
Requested pool connections: 3
Hit idle limit
await \Hack\UserDocumentation\API\Examples\AsyncMysql\skipif_async();