
Begin running a query with multiple statements

public function multiQuery(
  Traversable<string, arraykey, mixed> $queries,
  int $timeout_micros = -1,
  dict<string> $query_attributes = dict [
): Awaitable<Vector<AsyncMysqlQueryResult>>;

AsyncMysqlConnection::multiQuery() is similar to AsyncMysqlConnection::query(), except that you can pass an array of string queries to run one after the other. Then when you await or join on the returned Awaitable, you will get a Vector of AsyncMysqlQueryResult, one result for each query.

We strongly recommend using multiple calls to queryf() instead as it escapes parameters; multiple queries can be executed simultaneously by combining queryf() with HH\Asio\v().


  • Traversable<string,arraykey, mixed> $queries - A Vector of queries, with each query being a string in the array.
  • int $timeout_micros = -1 - The maximum time, in microseconds, in which the query must be completed; -1 for default, 0 for no timeout.
  • dict<string> $query_attributes = dict [ ] - Query attributes. Empty by default.



AsyncMysqlConnection::multiQuery is similar to AsyncMysqlConnection::query, except that you can pass an array of queries to run one after the other. Then when you await on the call, you will get a Vector of AsyncMysqlQueryResult, one result for each query.

use \Hack\UserDocumentation\API\Examples\AsyncMysql\ConnectionInfo as CI;

async function connect(
  \AsyncMysqlConnectionPool $pool,
): Awaitable<\AsyncMysqlConnection> {
  return await $pool->connect(
async function simple_multi_query(): Awaitable<int> {
  // In our test database, the third query will return an empty result since
  // we do not have a user ID of 3.
  $queries = Vector {
    'SELECT name FROM test_table WHERE userID = 1',
    'SELECT age, email FROM test_table WHERE userID = 2',
    'SELECT name FROM test_table WHERE userID = 3',
  $pool = new \AsyncMysqlConnectionPool(darray[]);
  $conn = await connect($pool);
  $results = await $conn->multiQuery($queries);
  $x = 0;
  foreach ($results as $result) {
    $x += $result->numRows();
  return $x;

async function run(): Awaitable<void> {
  $r = await simple_multi_query();
await \Hack\UserDocumentation\API\Examples\AsyncMysql\skipif_async();