
Meta Engineer?

This is available as C\pop_front in the www repository.

Like pop_back, but removes the first item

namespace HH\Lib\C;

function pop_front<T as Container<Tv>, Tv>(
  inout T $container,
): ?Tv;

Removes the first element from a Container and returns it. If the Container is empty, null is returned.

When an immutable Hack Collection is passed, the result will be defined by your version of hhvm and not give the expected results.

To enforce that the container is not empty, see pop_frontx. To get the last element, see pop_back.

Note that removing an item from the input array may not be "cheap." Keyed containers such as dict can easily have the first item removed, but indexed containers such as vec need to be wholly rewritten so the new [0] is the old [1].

Time complexity: O(1 or N): If the operation can happen in-place, O(1); if it must copy the Container, O(N). Space complexity: O(1 or N): If the operation can happen in-place, O(1); if it must copy the Container, O(N).


  • inout T $container


  • ?Tv


$strings = vec["a", "b"];
$pop_front_result_1 = C\pop_front(inout $strings);
echo "First pop_front result: $pop_front_result_1\n";
//Output: First pop_front result: a

$empty_strings = vec[];
$pop_front_result_2 = C\pop_front(inout $empty_strings);
$pop_front_result_2_as_string = $pop_front_result_2 ?? "null";
echo "Second pop_front result: $pop_front_result_2_as_string\n";
//Output: Second pop_front result: null