
Meta Engineer?

This is available as C\is_sorted in the www repository.

Returns true if the given Traversable is sorted in ascending order

namespace HH\Lib\C;

function is_sorted<Tv>(
  Traversable<Tv> $traversable,
  ?(function(Tv, Tv): num) $comparator = NULL,
): bool;

If two neighbouring elements compare equal, this will be considered sorted.

If no $comparator is provided, the <=> operator will be used. This will sort numbers by value, strings by alphabetical order or by the numeric value, if the strings are well-formed numbers, and DateTime/DateTimeImmutable by their unixtime.

To check the order of other types or mixtures of the aforementioned types, see C\is_sorted_by.

If the comparison operator <=> is not useful on Tv and no $comparator is provided, the result of is_sorted will not be useful.

Time complexity: O((n * c), where c is the complexity of the comparator function (which is O(1) if not provided explicitly) Space complexity: O(n)



  • bool


$strings = vec["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"];
$is_sorted_result_1 = C\is_sorted($strings);
echo "First is_sorted result: $is_sorted_result_1\n";
//Output: First is_sorted result: true

$second_strings = vec["a", "b", "a", "d", "e"];
$is_sorted_result_2 = C\is_sorted($second_strings);
echo "Second is_sorted result: $is_sorted_result_2\n";
//Output: Second is_sorted result: false

$empty_strings = vec[];
$is_sorted_result_3 = C\is_sorted($empty_strings);
echo "Third is_sorted result: $is_sorted_result_3\n";
//Output: Third is_sorted result: true