Getting Started: Input And Output
Input and Output
A standard API for input and output, known as "HSL IO", is included in the Hack Standard Library (HSL).
HSL IO should not yet be used in Facebook www; you want
the Facebook-specific Filesystem
class instead. Post in the usual groups
if you can't find a suitable alternative for HSL IO.
HSL IO differs from most other language's standard IO libraries in two particularly significant ways:
- provide as much safety as possible through the type system instead of runtime checking. For example, files opened read-only are a different type to those opened write-only; read-write files are a supertype of both read-only- and write-only- files.
- designed primarily for asynchronous IO; blocking operations are not generally exposed.
Additional design goals include:
- be internally consistent
- reduce end-user boilerplate. For example, automatically retry calls that fail with
- make the most obvious way to do things as safe as possible
- /support/ all reasonable behavior even if unsafe
- be convenient for common cases, but not at the cost of consistency or safety
For a more detailed overview, see the documentation for IO\Handle
; basic operations include:
use namespace HH\Lib\{File, IO};
async function main_async(): Awaitable<void> {
// STDIN for CLI, or HTTP POST data
$_in = IO\request_input();
// STDOUT for CLI, or HTTP response
$out = IO\request_output();
$message = "Hello, world\n";
await $out->writeAllAsync($message);
// copy to a temporary file, automatically closed at scope exit
using ($tf = File\temporary_file()) {
$f = $tf->getHandle();
await $f->writeAllAsync($message);
$content = await $f->readAllAsync();
await $out->writeAllAsync($content);
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