Asynchronous Operations: Guidelines

It might be tempting to just sprinkle async, await and Awaitable on all code. And while it is OK to have more async functions than not—in fact, we should generally not be afraid to make a function async since there is no performance penalty for doing so—there are some guidelines to follow in order to make the most efficient use of async.

Be Liberal, but Careful, with Async

Should code be async or not? It's okay to start with the answer Yes and then find a reason to say No. For example, a simple "hello world" program can be made async with no performance penalty. And while there likely won't be any gain, there won't be any loss, either; the code is simply ready for any future changes that may require async.

These two programs are, for all intents and purposes, equivalent.

function get_hello(): string {
  return "Hello";

function run_na_hello(): void {
async function get_hello(): Awaitable<string> {
  return "Hello";

async function run_a_hello(): Awaitable<void> {
  $x = await get_hello();

Just make sure you are following the rest of the guidelines. Async is great, but you still have to consider things like caching, batching and efficiency.

Use Async Extensions

For the common cases where async would provide maximum benefit, HHVM provides convenient extension libraries to help make writing code much easier. Depending on the use case scenario, we should liberally use:

  • MySQL for database access and queries.
  • cURL for web page data and transfer.
  • McRouter for memcached-based operations.
  • Streams for stream-based resource operations.

Do Not Use Async in Loops

If you only remember one rule, remember this:


It totally defeats the purpose of async.

class User {
  public string $name;

  protected function __construct(string $name) {
    $this->name = $name;

  public static function get_name(int $id): User {
    return new User(\str_shuffle("ABCDEFGHIJ").\strval($id));

async function load_user(int $id): Awaitable<User> {
  // Load user from somewhere (e.g., database).
  // Fake it for now
  return User::get_name($id);

async function load_users_await_loop(vec<int> $ids): Awaitable<vec<User>> {
  $result = vec[];
  foreach ($ids as $id) {
    $result[] = await load_user($id);
  return $result;

function runMe(): void {
  $ids = vec[1, 2, 5, 99, 332];
  $result = \HH\Asio\join(load_users_await_loop($ids));

In the above example, the loop is doing two things:

  1. Making the loop iterations the limiting factor on how this code is going to run. By the loop, we are guaranteed to get the users sequentially.
  2. We are creating false dependencies. Loading one user is not dependent on loading another user.

Instead, we will want to use our async-aware mapping function, Vec\map_async.

class User {
  public string $name;

  protected function __construct(string $name) {
    $this->name = $name;

  public static function get_name(int $id): User {
    return new User(\str_shuffle("ABCDEFGHIJ").\strval($id));

async function load_user(int $id): Awaitable<User> {
  // Load user from somewhere (e.g., database).
  // Fake it for now
  return User::get_name($id);

async function load_users_no_loop(vec<int> $ids): Awaitable<vec<User>> {
  return await Vec\map_async(
    async $id ==> await load_user($id),

function runMe(): void {
  $ids = vec[1, 2, 5, 99, 332];
  $result = \HH\Asio\join(load_users_no_loop($ids));

Considering Data Dependencies Is Important

Possibly the most important aspect in learning how to structure async code is understanding data dependency patterns. Here is the general flow of how to make sure async code is data dependency correct:

  1. Put each sequence of dependencies with no branching (chain) into its own async function.
  2. Put each bundle of parallel chains into its own async function.
  3. Repeat to see if there are further reductions.

Let's say we are getting blog posts of an author. This would involve the following steps:

  1. Get the post ids for an author.
  2. Get the post text for each post id.
  3. Get comment count for each post id.
  4. Generate final page of information
class PostData {
  // using constructor argument promotion
  public function __construct(public string $text) {}

async function fetch_all_post_ids_for_author(
  int $author_id,
): Awaitable<vec<int>> {

  // Query database, etc., but for now, just return made up stuff
  return vec[4, 53, 99];

async function fetch_post_data(int $post_id): Awaitable<PostData> {
  // Query database, etc. but for now, return something random
  return new PostData(\str_shuffle("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));

async function fetch_comment_count(int $post_id): Awaitable<int> {
  // Query database, etc., but for now, return something random
  return \rand(0, 50);

async function fetch_page_data(
  int $author_id,
): Awaitable<vec<(PostData, int)>> {

  $all_post_ids = await fetch_all_post_ids_for_author($author_id);
  // An async closure that will turn a post ID into a tuple of
  // post data and comment count
  $post_fetcher = async function(int $post_id): Awaitable<(PostData, int)> {
    list($post_data, $comment_count) = await Vec\from_async(vec[
    invariant($post_data is PostData, "This is good");
    invariant($comment_count is int, "This is good");
    return tuple($post_data, $comment_count);

  // Transform the array of post IDs into an vec of results,
  // using the Vec\map_async function
  return await Vec\map_async($all_post_ids, $post_fetcher);

async function generate_page(int $author_id): Awaitable<string> {
  $tuples = await fetch_page_data($author_id);
  $page = "";
  foreach ($tuples as $tuple) {
    list($post_data, $comment_count) = $tuple;
    // Normally render the data into HTML, but for now, just create a
    // normal string
    $page .= $post_data->text." ".$comment_count.\PHP_EOL;
  return $page;

function main(): void {
  print \HH\Asio\join(generate_page(13324)); // just made up a user id

The above example follows our flow:

  1. One function for each fetch operation (post ids, post text, comment count).
  2. One function for the bundle of data operations (post text and comment count).
  3. One top function that coordinates everything.

Consider Batching

Wait handles can be rescheduled. This means that they can be sent back to the queue of the scheduler, waiting until other awaitables have run. Batching can be a good use of rescheduling. For example, say we have high latency lookup of data, but we can send multiple keys for the lookup in a single request.

async function b_one(string $key): Awaitable<string> {
  $subkey = await Batcher::lookup($key);
  return await Batcher::lookup($subkey);

async function b_two(string $key): Awaitable<string> {
  return await Batcher::lookup($key);

async function batching(): Awaitable<void> {
  $results = await Vec\from_async(vec[b_one('hello'), b_two('world')]);
  \printf("%s\n%s\n", $results[0], $results[1]);

function main(): void {

class Batcher {
  private static vec<string> $pendingKeys = vec[];
  private static ?Awaitable<dict<string, string>> $aw = null;

  public static async function lookup(string $key): Awaitable<string> {
    // Add this key to the pending batch
    self::$pendingKeys[] = $key;
    // If there's no awaitable about to start, create a new one
    if (self::$aw === null) {
      self::$aw = self::go();
    // Wait for the batch to complete, and get our result from it
    $results = await self::$aw;
    return $results[$key];

  private static async function go(): Awaitable<dict<string, string>> {
    // Let other awaitables get into this batch
    await \HH\Asio\later();
    // Now this batch has started; clear the shared state
    $keys = self::$pendingKeys;
    self::$pendingKeys = vec[];
    self::$aw = null;
    // Do the multi-key roundtrip
    return await multi_key_lookup($keys);

async function multi_key_lookup(
  vec<string> $keys,
): Awaitable<dict<string, string>> {

  // lookup multiple keys, but, for now, return something random
  $r = dict[];
  foreach ($keys as $key) {
    $r[$key] = \str_shuffle("ABCDEF");
  return $r;

In the example above, we reduce the number of roundtrips to the server containing the data information to two by batching the first lookup in b_one and the lookup in b_two. The Batcher::lookup method helps enable this reduction. The call to await HH\Asio\later in Batcher::go allows Batcher::go to be deferred until other pending awaitables have run.

So, await Vec\from_async(vec[b_one('hello'), b_two('world')]); has two pending awaitables. If b_one is called first, it calls Batcher::lookup, which calls Batcher::go, which reschedules via later. Then HHVM looks for other pending awaitables. b_two is also pending. It calls Batcher::lookup and then it gets suspended via await self::$aw because Batcher::$aw is no longer null. Now Batcher::go) resumes, fetches, and returns the result.

Don't Forget to Await an Awaitable

What do you think happens here?

async function speak(): Awaitable<void> {
  echo "one";
  await \HH\Asio\later();
  echo "two";
  echo "three";

async function forget_await(): Awaitable<void> {
  $handle = speak(); // This just gets you the handle

The answer is, the behavior is undefined. We might get all three echoes; we might only get the first echo; we might get nothing at all. The only way to guarantee that speak runs to completion is to await it. await is the trigger to the async scheduler that allows HHVM to appropriately suspend and resume speak; otherwise, the async scheduler will provide no guarantees with respect to speak.

Minimize Undesired Side Effects

In order to minimize any unwanted side effects (e.g., ordering disparities), the creation and awaiting of awaitables should happen as close together as possible.

async function get_curl_data(string $url): Awaitable<string> {
  return await \HH\Asio\curl_exec($url);

function possible_side_effects(): int {
  echo "Output buffer stuff";
  return 4;

async function proximity(): Awaitable<void> {
  $handle = get_curl_data("");
  await $handle; // instead you should await get_curl_data("....") here

function main(): void {

In the above example, possible_side_effects could cause some undesired behavior when we get to the point of awaiting the handle associated with getting the data from the website.

Basically, don't depend on the order of output between runs of the same code; i.e., don't write async code where ordering is important. Instead use dependencies via awaitables and await.

Memoization May be Good, But Only Awaitables

Given that async is commonly used in operations that are time-consuming, memoizing (i.e., caching) the result of an async call can definitely be worthwhile.

The <<__Memoize>> attribute does the right thing, so, use that. However, if to get explicit control of the memoization, memoize the awaitable and not the result of awaiting it.

abstract final class MemoizeResult {
  private static async function time_consuming(): Awaitable<string> {
    await \HH\Asio\usleep(5000000);
    return "This really is not time consuming, but the sleep fakes it.";

  private static ?string $result = null;

  public static async function memoize_result(): Awaitable<string> {
    if (self::$result === null) {
      self::$result =
        await self::time_consuming(); // don't memoize the resulting data
    return self::$result;
function runMe(): void {
  $t1 = \microtime(true);
  $t2 = \microtime(true) - $t1;
  $t3 = \microtime(true);
  $t4 = \microtime(true) - $t3;
  \var_dump($t4 < $t2); // The memoized result will get here a lot faster

On the surface, this seems reasonable. We want to cache the actual data associated with the awaitable. However, this can cause an undesired race condition. Imagine that there are two other async functions awaiting the result of memoize_result, call them A and B. The following sequence of events can happen:

  1. A gets to run, and awaits memoize_result.
  2. memoize_result finds that the memoization cache is empty ($result is null), so it awaits time_consuming. It gets suspended.
  3. B gets to run, and awaits memoize_result. Note that this is a new awaitable; it's not the same awaitable as in 1.
  4. memoize_result again finds that the memoization cache is empty, so it awaits time_consuming again. Now the time-consuming operation will be done twice.

If time_consuming has side effects (e.g., a database write), then this could end up being a serious bug. Even if there are no side effects, it's still a bug; the time-consuming operation is being done multiple times when it only needs to be done once.

Instead, memoize the awaitable:

abstract final class MemoizeAwaitable {
  private static async function time_consuming(): Awaitable<string> {
    await \HH\Asio\usleep(5000000);
    return "Not really time consuming but sleep."; // For type-checking purposes

  private static ?Awaitable<string> $handle = null;

  public static function memoize_handle(): Awaitable<string> {
    if (self::$handle === null) {
      self::$handle = self::time_consuming(); // memoize the awaitable
    return self::$handle;

function runMe(): void {
  $t1 = \microtime(true);
  $t2 = \microtime(true) - $t1;
  $t3 = \microtime(true);
  $t4 = \microtime(true) - $t3;
  \var_dump($t4 < $t2); // The memoized result will get here a lot faster

This simply caches the handle and returns it verbatim; Async Vs Awaitable explains this in more detail.

This would also work if it were an async function that awaited the handle after caching. This may seem unintuitive, because the function awaits every time it's executed, even on the cache-hit path. But that's fine: on every execution except the first, $handle is not null, so a new call to time_consuming will not be started. The result of the one existing instance will be shared.

Either approach works, but the non-async caching wrapper can be easier to reason about.

Use Lambdas Where Possible

The use of lambdas can cut down on code verbosity that comes with writing full closure syntax. Lambdas are quite useful in conjunction with the async utility helpers. For example, look how the following three ways to accomplish the same thing can be shortened using lambdas.

async function fourth_root(num $n): Awaitable<float> {
  return sqrt(sqrt((float)$n));

async function normal_call(): Awaitable<vec<float>> {
  $nums = vec[64, 81];
  return await Vec\map_async($nums, fourth_root<>);

async function closure_call(): Awaitable<vec<float>> {
  $nums = vec[64, 81];
  $froots = async function(num $n): Awaitable<float> {
    return sqrt(sqrt((float)$n));
  return await Vec\map_async($nums, $froots);

async function lambda_call(): Awaitable<vec<float>> {
  $nums = vec[64, 81];
  return await Vec\map_async($nums, async $num ==> sqrt(sqrt((float)$num)));

async function use_lambdas(): Awaitable<void> {
  $nc = await normal_call();
  $cc = await closure_call();
  $lc = await lambda_call();

function main(): void {

Integrating async and non-async functions

If you need to call an async function from a non-async function, the best approach is to refactor so that the caller is also async. Sometimes this might need refactoring an unmanageable number of recursive call sites, so an alternative is available - but best avoided:

Imagine we are making a call to an async function join_async from a non-async scope. If refactoring to an entirely async call stack is not possible, HH\Asio\join() can be used to resolve the awaitable:

async function join_async(): Awaitable<string> {
  return "Hello";

// In an async function, you would await an awaitable.
// In a non-async function, or the global scope, you can
// use `join` to force the the awaitable to run to its completion.

function main(): void {
  $s = \HH\Asio\join(join_async());

THIS IS A COUNTEREXAMPLE: in real-world code, the entrypoint should be made async instead.

HH\Asio\join() is not just a blocking form of await: no other Hack code in the current request will be executed until the awaitable you pass to join() is completed, blocking the entire request until then.

Remember Async Is NOT Multi-threading

Async functions are not running at the same time. They are CPU-sharing via changes in wait state in executing code (i.e., pre-emptive multitasking). Async still lives in the single-threaded world of normal Hack!

await Is Not a General Expression

To strike a balance between flexibility, latency, and performance, we require that awaits only appear in unconditionally consumed expression positions. For more details, see Await As An Expression.

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