Asynchronous Operations: Awaitables

An awaitable is the key construct in async code. An awaitable is a first-class object that represents a possibly asynchronous operation that may or may not have completed. We await the awaitable until the operation has completed.

An Awaitable represents a particular execution; this means that awaiting the same awaitable twice will not execute the code twice. For example, while the result of both awaits below is 42, the print() call (and the return) only happen once:

$x = async { print("Hello, world\n"); return 42; };
\var_dump(await $x);
\var_dump(await $x);

This can be surprising when the result depends on the call stack; exceptions are the most common case of this.


Awaitables are represented by the interface called Awaitable. While there are several classes that implement Awaitable, there is no need to concern ourselves with their implementation details. Awaitable is the only interface we need.

The type returned from an async function is Awaitable<T>, where T is the final result type (e.g., int) of the awaited value.

async function foo(): Awaitable<int> {
  throw new Exception('unimplemented');

async function demo(): Awaitable<void> {
  $x = foo();         // $x will be an Awaitable<int>
  $x = await foo();   // $x will be an int
async function f(): Awaitable<int> {
  return 2;

// We call f() and get back an Awaitable<int>
// Once the function is finished executing and we await the awaitable (or in
// this case, explicitly join since this call is not in an async function) to get
// the explicit result of the function call, we will get back 2.

function join_main(): void {

All async functions must return an Awaitable<T>. Calling an async function will therefore yield an object implementing the Awaitable interface, and we must await or join it to obtain an end result from the operation. When we await, we are pausing the current task until the operation associated with the Awaitable handle is complete, leaving other tasks free to continue executing. join is similar; however it blocks all other operations from completing until the Awaitable has returned.


In most cases, we will prefer to await an Awaitable, so that other tasks can execute while our blocking operation completes. Note however, that only async functions can yield control to other asyncs, so await may therefore only be used in an async function. For other locations, such as a main block, we will need to use join, as will be shown below.

Batching Awaitables

Many times, we will await on one Awaitable, get the result, and move on. For example:

async function foo(): Awaitable<int> {
  return 3;

async function single_awaitable_main(): Awaitable<void> {
  $aw = foo(); // awaitable of type Awaitable<int>
  $result = await $aw; // an int after $aw completes

We will normally see something like await f(); which combines the retrieval of the awaitable with the waiting and retrieving of the result of that awaitable. The example above separates it out for illustration purposes.

At other times, we will gather a bunch of awaitables and await them all before moving on.

Here we are using one of the library helper-functions in order to batch a bunch of awaitables together to then await upon:

async function quads(float $n): Awaitable<float> {
  return $n * 4.0;

async function quads_m(): Awaitable<void> {
  $awaitables = dict['five' => quads(5.0), 'nine' => quads(9.0)];
  $results = await Dict\from_async($awaitables);

  \var_dump($results['five']); // float(20)
  \var_dump($results['nine']); // float(36)


Sometimes we want to get a result out of an awaitable when the function we are in is not async. For this there is HH\Asio\join, which takes an Awaitable and blocks until it resolves to a result.

This means that invocations of async functions from the top-level scope cannot be awaited, and must be joined.

async function get_raw(string $url): Awaitable<string> {
  return await \HH\Asio\curl_exec($url);

function join_main(): void {
  $result = \HH\Asio\join(get_raw(""));
  \var_dump(\substr($result, 0, 10));

We should not call join inside an async function. This would defeat the purpose of async, as the awaitable and any dependencies will run to completion synchronously, stopping any other awaitables from running.

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