Basic Usage: Server

Use HHVM server mode to create a HHVM process that continuously serves web requests, with these advantages:

  • Multiple requests served simultaneously
  • HHVM caches code to be shared across requests


Here's the simplest way to run HHVM in Server mode.

$ hhvm -m server -p 8080
  • -m is the mode option; the default is Command Line mode.
  • -p is the port HHVM uses to listen for requests. The default is 80.

Other things to know:

  • The root for your program files is the directory that you used to launch the hhvm command.
  • By default, HHVM uses the built-in proxygen web server.

Configuration Overrides

Use the -d option to override configuration defaults and other options.

In our earlier example, we started a HHVM server with -p 8080, but you could also have set the port with its expanded property:

$ hhvm -m server -d hhvm.server.port=7777

And we also could have overridden other defaults like the server type or source root of your project files. For example:

$ hhvm --mode server -d hhvm.server.type=${SERVER_TYPE} -d hhvm.server.source_root=${PROJECT_FOLDER}

INI Configuration Values

HHVM uses the default INI configuration specified in server.ini.

The default ini locations are:

  • Linux: /etc/hhvm/
  • MacOS: /usr/local/etc/hhvm/

Client access to HHVM in Server mode

Normally, a web request of the form:

You can also use curl and other programs to access the HHVM server as well.

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