XHP: Methods

Remember, all XHP Objects derive from the \Facebook\XHP\Core\node base class, which has some public methods that can be called.

Method Description
toStringAsync(): Awaitable<string> Renders the element to a string for output. Mutating methods like setAttribute can no longer be called after this.
appendChild(mixed $child): this Adds $child to the end of the XHP object's array of children. If $child is an array, each item in the array will be appended.
getAttribute(string $name): mixed Returns the value of the XHP object's attribute named $name. If the attribute is not set, null is returned, unless the attribute is required, in which case AttributeRequiredException is thrown. If the attribute is not declared or does not exist, then AttributeNotSupportedException is thrown. If the attribute you are reading is statically known, use $this->:name style syntax instead for better typechecker coverage.
getAttributes(): dict<string, mixed> Returns the XHP object's array of attributes.
getChildren(): vec<XHPChild> Returns the XHP object's children.
getChildrenOfType<T as XHPChild>(): vec<T> Returns the XHP object's children of the specified type (usually a class/interface, but can also be string or another type).
getFirstChild(): ?XHPChild Returns the XHP object's first child or null if it has no children.
getFirstChildx(): XHPChild Same but throws if the XHP object has no children.
getFirstChildOfType<T as XHPChild>(): ?T Returns the first of XHP object's children of the specified type, or null if it has no such children.
getFirstChildOfTypex<T as XHPChild>(): T Same but throws if the XHP object has no children of the specified type.
getLastChild(): ?XHPChild Analogous to getFirstChild.
getLastChildx(): XHPChild Analogous to getFirstChildx.
getLastChildOfType<T as XHPChild>(): ?T Analogous to getFirstChildOfType.
getLastChildOfType<T as XHPChild>(): T Analogous to getFirstChildOfTypex.
isAttributeSet(string $name): bool Returns whether the attribute with name $name is set.
replaceChildren(XHPChild ...$children): this Replaces all the children of this XHP Object with the variable number of children passed to this method.
setAttribute(string $name, mixed $val): this Sets the value of the XHP object's attribute named $name. This does no validation, attributes are only validated when retrieved using getAttribute or during rendering.
setAttributes(KeyedTraversable<string, mixed> $attrs): this Replaces the XHP object's array of attributes with $attrs.
use namespace Facebook\XHP\Core as x;
use type Facebook\XHP\HTML\{li, p, ul};

function build_list(vec<string> $names): x\node {
  $list = <ul id="names" />;
  foreach ($names as $name) {
  return $list;

async function xhp_object_methods_run(): Awaitable<void> {
  $names = vec['Sara', 'Fred', 'Josh', 'Scott', 'Paul', 'David', 'Matthew'];

  foreach (build_list($names)->getChildren() as $child) {
    $child as x\node;
    echo 'Child: '.await $child->toStringAsync()."\n";

  echo 'First child: '.
    await (build_list($names)->getFirstChild() as x\node->toStringAsync())."\n";

  echo 'Last child: '.
    await (build_list($names)->getLastChild() as x\node->toStringAsync())."\n";

  foreach (build_list($names)->getAttributes() as $name => $value) {
    echo 'Attribute '.$name.' = '.$value as string."\n";

  echo 'ID: '.build_list($names)->getAttribute('id') as string."\n";
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